Let's Solve Cross Set

Thanksgiving week, time to relax and play some games. While I’m not playing Fallout 4, I’ve still got something open!

Cross Set is a recent release on Steam, with a premise similar to Sudoku. These games are always good to relax with, because you can usually go through the mechanical motions to solve them and let your brain idle. The rules for this puzzler are simple:

  • There is an NxN square grid (up to 9x9)
  • The winning solution is to have every row and column containing every number 1 through N
  • The grid is already constrained by sets of numbers included in each cell
  • As a helping tool, cells can be locked in place

It looks like this

The Premise

If you’ve ever played sudoku, the game should look familiar. This is roughly the intermediate stage of solving a sudoku puzzle. I quickly got bored after I cleared the first two levels, but still had the urge to 100% complete the puzzles. Briefly, I considered refunding my purchase if I could write a solver for the game. Then I figured if I wrote the solver, then there’s no point in requesting a refund, as I clearly got my money’s worth. Sounds like a fun programming challenge, so let’s get started! (I also considered writing a tool to help with the two incremental games I open occasionally, but interacting with them wasn’t as simple.)


For each level, the grid can easily be serialized into a text format, delimiting each cell with a space and each row with a newline. From there, it will be parsed into a PuzzleGrid object.


512 736 463 524 241 256 347
756 746 136 346 423 745 614
457 235 267 235 573 673 127
513 156 623  7  625 235 462
735 564 725 137 712 524 251
361 271 413 473 356 412 257
514 513 237 462 246 125 257

The script should print out a solved grid that I can then manually enter into the game. Not great, but much easier than interacting with Tap Tap Infinity or Time Clickers.


Ideally, the script should solve the grid completely. However, I’m not sure if my approach to solving the puzzle will be able to work 100% of the time. If the puzzle can’t actually be solved, I’d like the program to at least return a partially solved puzzle. Absolute worst case is no cells solved, so I probably need to attempt solving it by hand and figure out a new algorithm.


Folder Structure
    solver.py - Contains the algorithms
    puzzle_grid.py - Contains the objects detailing the puzzle
Reading Input

Simple enough, I want to read cells from a text file. This will be in main.py, so that the cross_set package only needs to deal with one kind of input. I’ll go ahead and define that to be a list of list of sets. If in the future I want to change input methods (maybe a fancy curses TUI?), then I just change main.py .


import sys
import cross_set

# Script must be run directly, not imported
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Script requires one argument: filename
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Filename argument required")

    # Filename is the first argument (sys.argv[0] is the program name)
    filename = sys.argv[1]

    # Read from the provided filename, assuming it exists
    puzzle_contents = ""
    with open(filename) as puzzle_file:
        puzzle_contents = puzzle_file.read()

    # Stuff the contents into puzzle (list of list of sets) with minimal validation
    puzzle = []
    # Each line: Add a list to puzzle
    for line in puzzle_contents.split('\n'):
        puzzle_line = []
        # Each cell: Add a set to puzzle_line
        for cell in line.split(' '):
            # Discard spaces used for alignment
            if cell == '':
            # Each number: Convert to an int before adding to the set
            cell_numbers = (int(x) for x in cell)

    puzzle_grid = cross_set.PuzzleGrid(puzzle)

    solved_grid = cross_set.solve(puzzle_grid)
Puzzle Objects

The main object will be the PuzzleGrid, representing the grid of cells, with coordinates 0,0 at the top left corner. There are several methods to implement here that I think would be useful for writing the solving algorithms:

  • __init__(puzzle) - Takes a list of list of sets representing the grid
  • __str__() - Returns a nice serialized version of the grid (which should be equivalent format to what is passed in from the file)
  • column(x) - Returns a list of cells in Column x
  • row(y) - Returns a list of cells in Row y
  • cell(x,y) - Get the cell located at Column x, Row y
  • set_cell(x,y,val) - Set the cell located at Column x, Row y
  • size() - How big is the puzzle?
  • equality operators - Are these two puzzles identical?


import copy
import itertools

class PuzzleGrid(object)
    def __init__(self, puzzle):
        # Check that the provided grid is square
        num_rows = len(puzzle)

        for row in puzzle:
            if len(row) != num_rows:
                raise ValueError("Puzzle grid is not square")

        self.grid = copy.deepcopy(puzzle)

    def __str__(self):
        # Get the size of the largest set in the puzzle
        all_cells = (self.cell(x,y) for x,y in itertools.product(range(self.size()), range(self.size())))
        padding = max(len(cell) for cell in all_cells)
        rows = []
        for row in self.grid:
            cells = []
            for cell in row:
                # Print set(1,2,3) as 123, padding to the largest set in the puzzle
                format_str = "%% %ds" % padding
                compact_set = "".join(str(num) for num in cell)
                cells.append(format_str % compact_set)
            rows.append(" ".join(cells))
        return "\n".join(rows)

    def column(self, x):
        return (row[x] for row in self.grid)

    def row(self, y):
        return self.grid[y]

    def cell(self, x, y):
        return self.grid[y][x]

    def set_cell(self, x, y, val):
        self.grid[y][x] = val

    def size(self):
        return len(self.grid)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.grid == other.grid

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)
Creating the Puzzle Object

At the end of main.py

puzzle_grid = cross_set.PuzzleGrid(puzzle)
Solving and Printing Output

Simple process of running the solving algorithm and then printing the solved PuzzleGrid

At the end of main.py


Algorithm Scaffolding

Standalone functions I can see use for in the algorithm:

  • cell_solved(cell) - Returns whether the cell is solved
  • column_solved(col) - Returns whether the column is completely solved
  • row_solved(row) - Returns whether the row is completely solved
  • puzzle_solved(puzzle) - Returns whether the puzzle is completely solved


from cross_set.puzzle_grid import PuzzleGrid

def cell_solved(cell):
    return len(cell) == 1

def list_solved(cell_list):
    # All cells have one value
    num_solved = sum(1 for cell in cell_list if cell_solved(cell))
    if num_solved < len(cell_list):
        return False

    # There are no duplicate cells
    cell_set = set(list(cell)[0] for cell in cell_list)
    if len(cell_set) < len(cell_list):
        return False

    return True

column_solved = list_solved
row_solved = list_solved

def puzzle_solved(puzzle):
    for row_num in range(puzzle.size()):
        if not row_solved(list(puzzle.row(row_num))):
            return False

    for col_num in range(puzzle.size()):
        if not column_solved(list(puzzle.column(col_num))):
            return False

    return True

def solve(puzzle):
    return PuzzleGrid(puzzle.grid)

First Attempt

My first step when solving a puzzle by hand is to mentally cross off any numbers contradict already locked numbers. This is a good starting point for the solver, so let’s see how far it gets me. I want to keep running this on the puzzle until there are no more changes to the grid (hopefully it’s solved at that point).


# Remove invalidated cell values, this is the most basic thing to do to a puzzle
def weed(puzzle):
    old_puzzle = puzzle
    puzzle = PuzzleGrid(puzzle.grid)
    for row, column in itertools.product(range(puzzle.size()), range(puzzle.size())):
        cell = old_puzzle.cell(column, row)
        if cell_solved(cell):
            (locked_value,) = cell

            # Get a list of cells in the same row and column to weed
            in_row = ((c, row) for c in range(puzzle.size()) if not c == column)
            in_column = ((column, r) for r in range(puzzle.size()) if not r == row)
            cells_to_check = itertools.chain(in_row, in_column)

            # Read cells from the puzzle being modified and remove the locked value if it exists, saving off to the new puzzle
            for x,y in cells_to_check:
                other_cell = puzzle.cell(x, y)
                if locked_value in other_cell:

    return puzzle

def solve(puzzle):
    weeded_puzzle = weed(puzzle)

    while weeded_puzzle != puzzle:
        puzzle = weeded_puzzle
        weeded_puzzle = weed(puzzle)

    return puzzle

As it turns out, only one iteration of the algorithm is performed before it’s useless!

125 367 346 245 124 256 347
567 467 136 346 234 457 146
457 235 267 235 357 367 127
135 156 236   7 256 235 246
357 456 257  13 127 245 125
136 127 134  34 356 124 257
145 135 237 246 246 125 257

This is useful to define a minimal form of the puzzle though, so let’s make that a helper function.


def minimal_form(puzzle):
    weeded_puzzle = weed(puzzle)
    while weeded_puzzle != puzzle:
        puzzle, weeded_puzzle = weeded_puzzle, weed(puzzle)
    return weeded_puzzle

Second Attempt

The next method I use mentally is to look for the cells that contain the only instance of a value in a row/column. That cell can then be finalized to that single value.


# TODO: Get singles from old_puzzle, update them on puzzle
def lock_singles(puzzle):
    old_puzzle = puzzle
    puzzle = minimal_form(puzzle)

    rows = (puzzle.row(row) for row in range(puzzle.size()))
    columns = (puzzle.column(column) for column in range(puzzle.size()))
    # Take advantage of the fact these are all references and discard WHAT they are
    cell_lists = itertools.chain(rows, columns)
    for cell_list in cell_lists:
        values = []
        for cell in cell_list:

        singles = (i for i in range(1, puzzle.size()+1) if values.count(i) == 1)
        for single in singles:
            for cell in cell_list:
                if single in cell:
                    # Don't update already locked cells
                    if len(cell) > 1:
                    # It's a single for a reason, don't need to check the rest of the cells once it's found

    return puzzle

def solve(puzzle):
    solved_puzzle = puzzle
    # Loop until there's no improvement
    while True:
        solved_puzzle = minimal_form(puzzle)
        solved_puzzle = lock_singles(solved_puzzle)

        if puzzle == solved_puzzle:
            puzzle = solved_puzzle

    return solved_puzzle

Not the most functional approach, Python is starting to annoy me about now, but I’m not trying to make a masterpiece the first time through!

11 iterations later, and Level 2-8 was solved.

2 7 4 5 1 6 3
7 4 1 3 2 5 6
4 5 6 2 3 7 1
5 1 2 7 6 3 4
3 6 5 1 7 4 2
6 2 3 4 5 1 7
1 3 7 6 4 2 5

Here are the results after each iteration:

Iteration 1
125 367 346 245 124 256 347
567 467 136 346   2 457 146
  4 235 267 235 357 367   1
135 156 236   7 256 235   4
357   6 257  13 127 245 125
136 127 134  34 356 124 257
145 135 237 246 246 125 257

Iteration 2
125  37 346 245  14 256  37
 57  47   1  34   2 457   6
  4 235 267 235 357 367   1
135  15 236   7  56 235   4
357   6 257  13  17   4  25
136 127 134  34 356 124 257
 15 135 237 246  46 125 257

Iteration 3
125  37 346 245  14 256  37
 57  47   1   3   2  57   6
  4 235 267 235 357 367   1
135  15 236   7  56 235   4
357   6 257  13  17   4  25
136 127  34  34 356  12 257
 15 135 237 246  46 125 257

Iteration 4
125  37 346  25  14 256  37
 57   4   1   3   2  57   6
  4 235 267  25 357 367   1
135  15 236   7  56 235   4
  3   6 257   1   7   4  25
136 127   3   4 356  12 257
 15 135 237  26   4 125 257

Iteration 5
 25  37   4  25   1 256  37
 57   4   1   3   2  57   6
  4 235 267  25  35 367   1
 15  15  26   7  56   3   4
  3   6  25   1   7   4  25
 16 127   3   4  56  12 257
 15   3  27   6   4 125 257

Iteration 6
 25   7   4  25   1   6   3
 57   4   1   3   2  57   6
  4  25 267  25   3  67   1
 15  15   2   7  56   3   4
  3   6  25   1   7   4  25
 16  12   3   4  56  12   7
 15   3  27   6   4 125 257

Iteration 7
 25   7   4  25   1   6   3
  7   4   1   3   2   5   6
  4  25   6  25   3   7   1
 15  15   2   7   6   3   4
  3   6   5   1   7   4   2
 16  12   3   4   5  12   7
 15   3   7   6   4 125  25

Iteration 8
25  7  4 25  1  6  3
 7  4  1  3  2  5  6
 4 25  6 25  3  7  1
15 15  2  7  6  3  4
 3  6  5  1  7  4  2
 6 12  3  4  5 12  7
 1  3  7  6  4  2  5

Iteration 9
 2  7  4  5  1  6  3
 7  4  1  3  2  5  6
 4 25  6 25  3  7  1
 5  1  2  7  6  3  4
 3  6  5  1  7  4  2
 6  2  3  4  5  1  7
 1  3  7  6  4  2  5

Iteration 10
2 7 4 5 1 6 3
7 4 1 3 2 5 6
4 5 6 2 3 7 1
5 1 2 7 6 3 4
3 6 5 1 7 4 2
6 2 3 4 5 1 7
1 3 7 6 4 2 5

Iteration 11
2 7 4 5 1 6 3
7 4 1 3 2 5 6
4 5 6 2 3 7 1
5 1 2 7 6 3 4
3 6 5 1 7 4 2
6 2 3 4 5 1 7
1 3 7 6 4 2 5


This solves several puzzles up until Level 3-4:

 512  534  352  123   53
 125  235 1345  125   42
  45   53  312  241  412
1234  134 3452   23   24
 453  423 1245 4523 4512

Three iterations run before it bails, leaving me with:

 125    4   23  123   35
 125  235  134  125   24
  45   35  123  124  124
1234   13    5   23   24
 345   23  124 2345 1245

Third Attempt

Inspecting the output, I see some patterns… The rightmost column contains two cells with {2,4}! Since only those two cells can contain 2 and 4, I can remove that option from other cells in the column. In general, if N cells hold the exact same N-tuple of numbers, then you can exclude those numbers from any other cell in their row/column, because those N cells are the only ones that could contain those numbers.

def ntuple_equals(puzzle):
    old_puzzle = puzzle
    puzzle = minimal_form(puzzle)

    rows = (puzzle.row(row) for row in range(puzzle.size()))
    columns = (puzzle.column(column) for column in range(puzzle.size()))
    # Take advantage of the fact these are all references and discard WHAT they are
    cell_lists = itertools.chain(rows, columns)
    for cell_list in cell_lists:
        cell_list = list(cell_list)
        ntuples = []
        for cell in cell_list:
            if cell_list.count(cell) == len(cell) and cell not in ntuples:

        for tuple in ntuples:
            for cell in cell_list:
                if cell != tuple:
                    # Remove any elements from the tuple from cell

    return puzzle

def solve(puzzle):
    solved_puzzle = puzzle
    # Loop until there's no improvement
    while True:
        solved_puzzle = minimal_form(puzzle)
        solved_puzzle = lock_singles(solved_puzzle)
        solved_puzzle = ntuple_equals(solved_puzzle)
        if puzzle == solved_puzzle:
            puzzle = solved_puzzle

    return solved_puzzle

Fantastic! This solves Level 3-4 with ease in 4 iterations!

Iteration 1
 125    4   23  123   35
 125  235  134  125   24
  45   35  123  124    1
1234   13    5   23   24
 345   23  124 2345   15

Iteration 2
  5   4   2   1   3
 12 235  34   5  24
  4  35   3   2   1
123  13   5   3  24
  3  23   1  34   5

Iteration 3
5 4 2 1 3
1 3 4 5 2
4 5 3 2 1
2 1 5 3 4
3 2 1 4 5

Iteration 4
5 4 2 1 3
1 3 4 5 2
4 5 3 2 1
2 1 5 3 4
3 2 1 4 5

Between iterations 1 and 2, the right column is stripped of any instances of 2 or 4 that aren’t in rows 2 and 4 (heh?). Works as intended! Let’s see how far this goes.

All the way to Level 4-5 before it gets stumped:

612 563 513 534  62 462
245  12 462  24 623 261
534 562  23 235  16 145
612  13 456 245  45 241
 25 463 645  13  16  43
 35 251 341 126  45 613

This is the final output:

 16  56  13 345   2  46
  5  12 246  24   3 126
  4 256  23 235  16  15
 16   3  46 245  45 124
  2  46   5  13  16  34
  3 125  14 126  45  16

If I help the solver along, by removing the 1 from cell 5,5 then it can solve the puzzle, but I’m not sure where to find the algorithm hidden here. Looks like the journey is about to be over. Oh, but hold on now, the far right column only has a single 5 in row 3. Why isn’t it getting locked by the second algorithm? Aha, when I iterate over cell_list twice, the second time it’s not actually iterating. This is due to iterating over a python generator produced by itertools.chain, which will act like it’s empty after I’ve iterated over it exactly once. Annoying, but the easy fix is cell_list = list(cell_list). Level 4-5 is solved now, so we’re back in business.

6 5 1 3 2 4
5 1 2 4 3 6
4 6 3 2 1 5
1 3 6 5 4 2
2 4 5 1 6 3
3 2 4 6 5 1

For Your Sanity

While typing in puzzles, I occasionally missed a digit, resulting in some odd looking solutions where some cells had no values! So, I added a sanity check for each iteration.

def sanity_check(puzzle):
    for row, column in itertools.product(range(puzzle.size()), range(puzzle.size())):
        cell = puzzle.cell(column, row)
        if len(cell) == 0:
            return False
    return True

Final Thoughts

Only one puzzle left on level 8, this must be a doozy. Three iterations later:

All complete!

Wait, what's this?

In the end what did I get out of this?

  • I realized how much I prefer C++ to Python. I think with the right set of types it would have been easier to express the algorithms. Although the itertools module was extremely handy, I’m not sure if I would be able to do the same things as easily in C++.
  • I enjoyed the game, props to the developers, especially for addressing my feedback on the discussion forum by an update within a day.
  • I learned to appreciate the ten key typing lessons I had in highschool.
  • I worked my brain by trying to memorize sequences as I manually entered them back into the game.
  • I wondered… the puzzles seem weak, most only requiring one to three iterations. Perhaps this is the power of the algorithm? Flaw of the game design?

I’d appreciate feedback on the code, which can be found on Github! Especially anything that makes the algorithms more readable.